Our suggestion is that Abraham, who was the same person as Rama, lived at Ghuram in Patiala. So we have to show that their time as per scriptures is the same; and that archaeological evidence from carbon dating is available from Ghuram at this time….
Abraham at 2100 BCE:
First the dating as per scriptures. The Open Bible says that Abraham was born before 2090 BCE. Scholars often date the Hindu ancestors based on astronomical positions described in the texts. More often than not, astronomers come up with different estimates of time based on the same astronomical observations. Hence it is not possible to arrive at a credible estimate on this basis alone. Our view is that we must look to evidences beyond astronomy to arrive at a credible date for Rama. One such evidence is that from archaeology. Among the various astronomical suggestions of the date, we may select the one that matches with archaeological evidence as well.
Archaeological evidence from Ghuram:
Now we come to the archaeological evidence. The site of Ghuram consists of a huge mound that is about 500 meters x 500 meters. The main mound has not been excavated and we do not know what lies buried therein. However, a small excavation was done at the base of the mound. The excavator have found a dump containing “badly mixed” material that included some artefacts from the Harappan period (Batth, Rajinder Singh, A Report on Trial Excavation at Village & Post Office Ghuram, Police Station: Julkan, Tehsil Dudhan Sadan, District Patiala (Punjab), Punjab State Archaeology Department, Chandigarh). The Harappan period extended from about 3300 BCE to 1500 BCE. It is not possible to arrive at a clear estimate of time on the basis of such “badly mixed” artifacts. Yet, the statement that these were from the Harappan period suggests that the site could be habited at some times between 3300 BCE to 1500 BCE. This period covers the time of 2100 BCE when Abraham was born according to the Open Bible as mentioned above.
Birth Date of Rama:
Many dates for the birth of Rama have been suggested by astronomers. Among these, we can select that date which matches with the archaeological evidences. One estimate of Rama’s birth arrived at by astronomer S B Roy is between 1996 BCE to 1646 BCE (“Scientific (Astro-Dynastic) Chronology of Ancient India,” in C Margabandhu et. al., Editors, Indian Archaeological Heritage, Agamkala Prakashan, Delhi, 1991, Page 702-703.)
Astronomical and Archaeological Consistency:
A date of 2100 BCE appears to be consistent both with one set of astronomical dates and the available archaeological date. Thus generally we can say that Abraham-Rama, if he was the same person, was born around 2100 BCE.
Similarity of names:
We also find a remarkable similarity in the name of the Prophet in the two traditions. The original name of Abraham was Abram. The prefix “Ab” means father. Thus Abram means “father” Ram. The Hindu name “Rama” or “Ram” is, therefore embedded in the name Abram. The name of the wife of the Prophet—Sarah and Sita; and near relative—Lot and Lakshmana are also similar. These similarities suggest that the same person is known as Abraham by the Semitic people and as Rama by the Hindu people.
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